Elvis 0 Opublikowano 4 Lutego 2011 Translatet vom english to polish: Witam!Czy ktoś z was orientuje się, czy jest gdzieś w okolicy Poznania sklep, w którym mogłabym dostać Jorge JW0880 Show of Fireworks? Jeśli jest jakiś sprzedawca, to jak on się nazywa? Czy może ktoś z was wie, ile te fajerwerki kosztują?Z góry dziękuję, Elvis.Orginal message in english:Hi,knows someone in the region around Poznan a shop where I can pick up Jorge JW0880 Show of Fireworks and pay cash?If there is a dealer what is the name?Does anyone know how much (in zloty) Jorge JW0880 cost?Thank you.Greetings Elvis Cytuj
firawerkoman 7 Opublikowano 4 Lutego 2011 Hi,http://certus-fajerwerki.pl/index.php?option=com_contact&task=view&contact_id=4&Itemid=63You can send mail and ask them about JW0880. It cost about 200zloty last year at another shop. I do not know how much it costs at this shopSorry for my english Cytuj
velibrum 12 Opublikowano 4 Lutego 2011 It will be extremely hard to find JW0880 anywhere, especially in accurate place ( Poznań ). If it is a life or dead issue I can look for some shop that will be able to send it to the curier department in Poznań where You could pick it up. Cytuj
Elvis 0 Autor Opublikowano 4 Lutego 2011 Thank you for the answers.I sent a email to certus-fajerwerki.pl and wait what they say.At velibrumI'm thinking you're right. It is very difficult to find that type. If I can't buy it in Pozan, it is also not a problem.I would think it is pity. It is a really great effect, but in Germany not available.Greetings Elvis Cytuj
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